Saturday, September 3, 2016

I Went to London!

England, not Ontario, for those of you that know where the latter is.

I had big, big, BIG running plans.

I would run by Buckingham Palace.

I would run by Big Ben.

I would run all over town the way I did in Paris (while training for my first arathon-may.)

Well, the day we got there was a write off because of jet lag.

The next day we went sightseeing. We walked 11 miles.

Over the following nine days, I went to all the places I had planned.

Total number of miles run:

BUT, total number of miles walked:

So it was okay, because I got to see so many cool places I've been wanting to check out forever. Like Notting Hill, Trafalgar Square, the BBC building, and Piccadilly Circus which, I'm sad to inform you, is not a circus at all, but merely a very busy traffic circle.

No tight rope walkers, but also no clowns!

I went to Kensington Palace (absolutely beautiful grounds) and Buckingham Palace.

And I saw Big Ben.

I had such a fun time in London and I would love to go back and see more of the countryside one day. Of the many things I appreciated there, I think the floor to ceiling doors in the public washrooms were the best (really, North America, you need to get on that.)

Now all I need is someone to explain the faucets:


By the way, I finally decided I want to run the LA Rock n Roll half marathon in October. If any of you want to do it too, you can use my friend Lea's coupon code: LEAGENDERS To read all about her adventures check out


  1. thanks for the shoutout, friend! Your trip sounds amazing!!!!!!! Now I want to run LA too! :)

    1. You're welcome! It was a really great trip! You should come run it--but it's awfully close to Vegas, right?

  2. Love your drawings , as usual!! And I honestly think walking that much is more difficult than a short run! Lots more fatigue on your legs. I want to go back - London is one of my favorite cities on the planet!!

    1. Thanks Erika :) I definitely feel like my legs got a workout while I was there.
      You want to go back, I want to go back...we should go back together!

  3. Hold on, you're telling me that there are NO clowns or people who do flippy-dippy-do's at Piccadilly Circus?!? What a misnomer.

    1. I know! I don't know why "circus" is synonymous with "traffic circle".

  4. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE sightseeing by foot because you don't even know it but you're GETTING EXERCISE!! :) And I love how you just up and went to London - you probably had it planned, but to me it was like you booked the trip the day before and then went! ;) So something I would do!

    1. I agree--it's fantastic! It was a pretty quickly planned trip--less than 2 weeks. It was a work thing and I got to tag along :D I'm not nearly as spontaneous as you are!

  5. Super cute! I often have big running plans for our travels that never materialize. It's tiring traveling and walking around

  6. Totally get it! I wanted to do more runs in NYC but we ended up walking a total of 100k steps. not bad I guess haha

    1. Definitely not bad! When I went Paris I was really excited to sightsee and also stick to my training plan. That worked pretty well until I was supposed to run 15 miles and hit a wall at 8. Whoops.

  7. Looks like you had a great time. I haven't traveled much, but England would be one of the places I'd like to go (if I can get over being afraid of flying). :)

    1. I did! It was only my second trip to Europe but I would highly recommend it. I find going through the airport more of a chore than the actual airplane ride. On the plane you get to eat, sleep, and watch movies :)


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