And so I thought I would celebrate by looking back at the important milestones. To start with, here is the very first picture I ever drew for the blog.
In the second post, I introduced TriGuy (referred to only as "the husband" at the time). Poor guy didn't get much hair or any attached limbs. Not to mention, he didn't get a stitch of clothing.

Oh wait, there was a scarf and ski boots.

I seemed to frequently forget clothing in the early posts.
Guess my shirt fell off when I crashed.
And sometimes, my friends were missing clothes too.
She must've been going so fast her shirt blew right off.
At times, I had no pants.
I had more important things on my mind, (like figuring out how to pedal with no gears, chains, brakes and no revolving pedals). Yes, this is in my header picture.
Of course as time wore on and I got more practice, I tweaked the drawings. I did eventually decide to learn how to draw a real bike.
As I began to become a more active blogger, I got to take my first big steps.
I had a post featured on BlogHer.
I became a FitFluential ambassador.
And a SweatPink ambassador.
I've done the blog awards, hopped around...in blog hops (Hey, toddlers need play dates!), done guest posts, and met lots of new friends!!
Through blogging I've even learned more about swimming, biking, and running. Imagine that!
And, I started a Zazzle shop, where you can buy shirts (YOU CAN CHOOSE THE STYLE, COLOUR AND SIZE), mugs, stickers, aprons, coasters, bumper stickers, binders, phone cases...and calendars.
Last year The Force was not very strong within me and I only sold one calendar. Maybe it's more powerful this year? You can click through the sidebar on the right, or just click here!
And now, I have a question for you all. I've been thinking about my header, and whether I should upgrade to a newer drawing; one that's more representative of my current style. I am partial to the one I have, but it is a little basic.
So do I go with
Option A: Retro/classic (albeit pantslesss) TriGirl
Option B: Fancy-pantsied/updated TriGirl
I will tally up the votes, weigh the pros and cons carefully, and then potentially just make up my own mind :)
As I've said before, I'm so grateful for all your comments and support. Blogging has been so much more than I thought it would be and I am looking forward to all the wonderful things the future will bring!