Since Yvonne already has drawings and her comment was purely congratulatory in nature (thanks Yvonne!), I took her comment out and and went with 74. And, the winner is:
Comment #43:

I stumbled this post, too :)
The second winning comment was #9:

Congratulations on getting 200 followers! What a fabulous milestone!!!
Dweej, you get a stick drawing, so email me with the picture of your choice!
Little Gothic Horrors, you get the shirt, so email me with your deets!
I just want to thank each 204 of you who follow! I love getting to share my little demented mind and doodles with you guys!
It actually happened. Just 5 months after getting 100 followers, I now have 200 followers! So basically, that's 20 new followers a month. Not bad for a little blog that's been chugging along for 10 months.
Pickleope was worried I would change when I hit this number.
I don't think I have. No really.
I don't think I have.
Anyway, since stick figures are what I do best (and no sponsors are knocking on my door...but mostly because of the stick figure thing) I decided to do the following giveaway:
A Drawing for a Drawing!
Yup, I'm repeating the same thing I did last time.
But wait! There's more!
I passed 10,000 hits on Sunday! It's been a banner week here at Tri-ing to be Athletic!
And with that comes an extra surprise for a SECOND winner...it's a limited edition of something that I will tell you about when the contest is over. I think it's pretty cool you guys :D
So here's what you need to do. If you would like to win your VERY OWN stick figure version of yourself, leave one comment for each of the following:
Number 1: (Mandatory--because this gets me more followers, which gets y'all more giveaways!) Follow my site via Google Friends Connect (GFC). *If the Followers tab is empty, reload the site and it should pop up. Leave a comment in the comments section below saying you are a new follower or that you already follow.
Optional, for extra entries (You can click on the tabs/widgets on this page or click the links below):
Number 2: 'Like' me on Facebook. Leave a comment in the comments section below saying you are a new 'liker' or that you already 'like' me. That way I will know that you like me! You really like me!
Number 3: Follow me on Twitter. I'm @triingathlete. Leave a comment...
You get the point right? You leave a separate comment for each follow, whether it's new or something you're already doing.
Also, Number 4: Follow me through Networked Blogs. Comment.
Oh, and Number 5: Tweet about the giveaway. Comment.
How about Number 6, just for kicks: Follow me on Blog Lovin. Comment.
One more? Okay here's Number 7: Stumble me! Comment.
Right. I think I've covered all the typical giveaway rules and many entry types.
I'll keep the contest open for one week and a couple of days. That means I will lock it up on exactly Friday, November 4th. Since I live on the west coast I'll pick the winner at about 8:30 a.m. PST.
I will use the random number generator to find the winner.
I swear I will be doing those race recaps after this. Two triathlons equal 6 upcoming posts!