Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Brought My "Eh" Game

Every year TriGuy and I make the cross-continent trek back to east-coast Canada to see our families.  (We have to fly both ways and boy do my arms get tired...nyuk, nyuk, nyuk)

While we were there, TriGuy convinced me to try some new things.  (Vapid Vixen get your mind out of the gutter...)

Thing 1:  We went golfing with his sister and brother-in-law.  I actually connected with the ball a lot more often than I expected; however, as the game wore on, there were a lot more of these:

A swing and a miss!  (For the record, I'm fully aware that that is a baseball metaphor.)

By the time we got to the 4th hole, I was feeling ready to conclude my first golfing experience.  I assumed we were only doing 9 holes.  You know what they say about assuming:

Just a quick 18 holes later, it was time to go.  I picked up the golf bag that I had borrowed to take it to the car.

Then I let TriGuy take it to the car.  Golfing was actually pretty fun, despite nearly getting beaned without so much as a forewarning (see what I did there?)  I might even do it again someday.

Thing 2:  We went go-karting.

I came in last.  After an 8-year-old girl.  But, I was at least a courteous driver whereas she kept causing traffic jams.  Oh, and just as I started going really fast, wouldn'tcha know it, my go-kart broke.  So I missed the last 2 laps. Otherwise I totally would have beaten still lost to that girl.

We left there still vibrating, and a little deafer than before.

We also spent some time at the cottage.  The first day was cold and windy.  There were white caps on the lake.  TriGuy and his mom were dedicated to swim anyway.  I  was a little chilly sitting on the dock.  But I was bullied encouraged to get in the water:

I gingerly walked down the stairs and immediately started gasping from the cold water.  I tried to swim to warm up and got slapped with a wave.

I was done.  (I may or may not have spewed some words that are inappropriate to say in the presence of your mother-in-law). Oh. And, there just happened to be a tornado watch and a thunderstorm that night.

There were fun times in the water, like canoeing with my nephews when the family came up for the day.

The 'rents came up to hang out as well!

They all enjoyed a much calmer day at the lake.

While in Canada, I partook in more adventures, such as Body Pump, Body Flow and spin.  And aqua jogging.  But those are for another post.

NEXT POST:  TAGGING ALONG WITH MOM AND GYMSIS (There will be spinning involved.)


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