Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Get a Kick out of Flashing

'Cause I'm in the Mob...the FLASH MOB!!  And let me tell you:  It.  Was... 

The choreographers were kind enough to make videos for us to learn the dance, since they were anticipating over  a *thousand* people and it would be tough to get us all in one room to practice.  The organizer, Egan, and the choreographers, Bobby and Beth, were so excited to have so many people come out to dress rehearsal!  We had to have it in a baseball field!!

The dance comprised of four different songs.  The first one was easy enough:  step side to side, a little snapping, hand gestures, and a turn.


The second song:  we were told to be *sassy*.

This dance included swinging arms, turning, and a couple of kicks.
*Note:  You may want to determine clearance needed when trying to emulate the Rockettes in your living room.

The third dance was to a Lady Gaga song.  We were told to be scary/sexy monsters.

(Sing-song voice:) Nailed it!

The last dance had lots and *lots* of jumping and SCREAMING!

That's me with my pals Ann Marie and Molly (I'm the one in the case you didn't recognize me without my usual outfit).

Our friend Cris was there too and she called between dances.

If you've ever considered doing a flash mob, I would highly recommend it.

It. Was.  AWESOME!!!  (Did I say that already?)

Not convinced yet?  Check out our flash mob HERE!


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